Saturday, 28 May 2011

First draft of the group song!

Ons is die kinders van vandag,
Die leiers van die toekoms
Al wat ons nodig het is 'n kans
Om te leer en te groei
Sonder hartseer en trane
Al wat ons wil hê is liefde en respek
Gee ons ‘n kans…

(We are the children of today
The leaders of the future
All we need is a chance
To learn and grow
Without sadness and tears
All we want is love and respect
Give us a chance ...)

Monday, 23 May 2011

 Soms skyn die son as dit reën. Dit is dan waneer jy 'n reënboog kan sien. As die son op 'n druppel val sien 'n mens al die kleure van die reënboog.
One of the major insurance companies are currently running an art competition for schools on the water theme for their 2012 Calender. On the request of the principal the visual component of the workshops will focus on this them from time to time using different mediums. The school stands a chance of winning a much needed R2000. The final submissions to this competition will be a selection of the drawings and paintings that the kids will be producing over the next few weeks.

Another special thank you...

Recently I received an email from the tourism office in Graaff Reinet to inform me that a donation of stationary had been made from Chris Wels of Schanskraal Country Manor. It is this kind of support that is making this project possible. A big thank you to Mr Wels from all the kids and myself. to see more go their site at -

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Requirements Update... Revised List.

1. Flip Charts

2. Thick Koki's

3. Water Paints

4. Paint Brushes

5. Prestik

6. Old Magazines

7. Coloring Books

8. Children's Puzzle Books

9. Digital and/or Video Camera

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

A special thank you!

Nieu Bethesda is a small village. That is a fact and not a statement. When one of the local businesses decide to sponsor make a donation to this project it is a big thing: very big! There have only been two 'corporate' sponsorships from the town. The one has been from Ian and Katrin Allemann who own the Karoo Lamb Restaurant and the other has been from the recently opened local bookstore 'Dust Covers' owned by Victoria Nance and Nico Zaverdinos. Much appreciation and thanks to all of you for your continued support and encouragement.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Workshop No. 4

One of the major insurers is running a school art competition with a water theme. Today's workshop was the first in a series which will focus on developing submissions for this competition. It blows my mind when the group of thirty rowdy primary school kids enter and after greeting they settle down immediately to the task at hand without incident and any problems. Today I asked them about whether they would be interested in doing a Saturday morning session and everyone of them raised their hands. In addition to the art hour every Monday after school, I intend to develop a play incorporating song, dance and drama which I will be work-shopping during these Saturday morning sessions.


The masks we wear as we go through life often become who or what we are. This is a concept that many adults grapple with and yet young kids are able to understand that they don't have to be what the world or circumstance or poverty could make them. They have dreams and aspirations that are as real as anything any child could dream and the fact that socio-economics will in all likelihood deny these dreams, doesn't mean that they should stop.