Monday, 10 October 2011

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Die Droomdief cast wrap party...

The cast just had their wrap party and they loved it! Thanks to Big Nic we had a video of the final dress performance which the girls watched on Willem's laptop which was hooked up to Blikhoed's flat screen...

The girls thoroughly enjoyed watching themselves and chatted throughout, giving advice, reliving the moment and comparing it to the performances where they had an audience present. After the viewing I introduced them to Thea Van Staaden who is going to be taking over the Arts Project from the beginning of the new term.

Brunch was Cherel's delicious vetkoek with a springbok, lentil and veg stew that's been cooking since yesterday. It amazes me how those small stomachs can accommodate seconds...

Last but not least, their take-home party packs included sweets, chocolates, bubblegum, lollipops, biscuits and chips. I know for sure that there's going to be some stomach aches and sticky fingers in the village today!