Monday, 15 August 2011

Rehearsal Time...

This past Saturday saw the kids working with a script for the first time. Until now I have been work-shopping the story and dialogue with them thinking that I didn't want to burden them too much with the traditional learning of endless lines. For the broad strokes this worked well but I recently realized that in order to start knuckling down the meat and bones would actually require a script which I decided to write on sheets of flip-chart. This allows for everyone to follow the story while also saving on paper and printing costs. The kids are beginning to 'get into character' and it is really inspiring to see how quickly some of them are in fact memorizing lines. What is even more encouraging is the mentoring roles which some of the faster learners naturally fall into to help and encourage their classmates and the rest of the cast.

I have written for children before, but mostly those plays were performed by adults for kids. This time it is different and I am as excited as the kids with whom I am working who are so eager and dedicated. This time its for the kids and by the kids and it certainly makes me feel like a kid again! Again...

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